Friday 4 March 2016

Classroom Game Ideas for Primary School Teaching

1. Bingo

The absolute classic, this works a treat every time. There are quite a few online bingo card generators, otherwise you can make them yourself using images from your flashcards. This came is great to cement vocab learning.

Each child has a card with a different selection of pictures on it. The teacher reads out the word for each picture one at a time and if the student has it on their card they cross it out. The first to cross out all their pictures is the winner and shouts 'BINGO!'. The student then has to read out loud the names of each picture they crossed out.

Bring prizes for the winners (stickers are always a good shout). Game can also be altered to the first to get 3 in a row, for example, which makes it last a bit longer.

2. Hangman

A great way to revise the alphabet. Tell the students they are only allowed to say letters in English!

Think of a word (I often play hangman at the start of a lesson to introduce the topic), then draw spaces on the board for each letter of the word. Students have to guess which letters are in the word. If they say a word that is, fill in the space. If not, start drawing a hangman (you might need to include a face for some classes so they can get the whole word)!

3. Simon Says

An absolute favourite for all my classes, this is also a great time filler if you've run out of things to do and still have 5 minutes to spare at the end of the lesson. Also a great game to play when teaching parts of the body.

Tell all the students to stand up. Tell them to do an action, such as clap your hands, touch your head/nose/shoulders etc. If you say Simon Says before the action, everyone should do it. However, if you just say the action and they do it then they are eliminated and have to sit down.

Some students get really good at this game so some tips for the end would be to try harder actions e.g. put your left hand in the air. Tell the last 5 students to go to the front of the class so everyone who's been eliminated can easily call out their classmates!

4. Pictionary

Another great game to play at the end of the lesson to reflect on the vocabulary you've just taught. The students love the chance to come up to the front and draw on the blackboard!

Draw a picture on the board and the children have to guess what it is (in English of course). Whoever guesses first gets to come up and it's their turn to draw. You can print out cards with words for them to pick out a hat or they can just come up with them on their own.

5. Charades

Very similar to pictionary, only instead of drawing the words they have to act them out! This is fantastic for teaching animals and sports. It can be very funny as some of them get really into it. I've found it works best if you have the cards in a hat for them to pick.

6. Eleven / Twenty One

Great for learning numbers, everyone stands up and you go round the class. Each person is allowed to say up to three numbers. The first person starts, for example saying 1,2,3 therefore the second person can say either 4, 4,5, or 4,5,6. If someone makes a mistake they are eliminated and have to sit down and you restart from number one. This carries on until number 11 (or 21 for older classes). Whoever says 11 (or 21) is eliminated.

For really good classes you can add in extra rules: two numbers changes direction and three numbers skips a person.

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