Friday, 29 January 2016

British Stereotypes

It's always interesting to discover how us Brits are considered by other cultures. After speaking to French friends, colleagues and my students, here's what I've found out that people this side of the channel think about the UK:

1. It's freezing
Fair enough, it's cold in the winter, but the sun does come out sometimes.

2. It's always raining

It doesn't rain ALL the time in the UK, promise!

3. We drink a LOT

Rather than sipping slowly on a demi, us Brits are known for our love of pints as well as knocking back the hard stuff.

4. We eat a fry up every day for breakfast

Yes, English breakies are amazing and we'll often treat ourselves to a fry up every now and again, however toast and cereal are probably something most of us wake up to day-to-day.

5. We love jelly

A slightly random one, all the Frenchies I've met are fascinated by jelly and want to try it. Can't say I've had it since primary school.

6. We've met the Queen

And we're also bezzies with Will and Kate.

7. Fish and Chips

Our staple diet when we're not tucking into an English breakfast.

8. We all love tea

Ok, so this is pretty-much true for the majority of Brits, so I often get a surprised reaction when I admit I'm not much of a tea drinker myself (shock horror).

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