That's it. 31 eventful weeks of travels, teaching and French-speaking (most of the time)...
This week has been all about making the most of the last few days and, despite the snow in the UK this week, the weather out here has been extra lovely and sunny (making it all the more harder to leave). It would have been rude to leave France without going wine tasting, so Kate and I went along to do a little degustation in the town centre on Monday afternoon. Oh, c'est beau la vie !
My last days at school were all a little overwhelming as the kids and teachers went above and beyond to give me an emotional send-off. In the first lesson of the day on Tuesday it was one of the boy's birthdays so after a morning of English games we had a party with ridiculous amounts of cake, cookies and muffins. Meanwhile, it felt like it was my birthday too as I was showered with cards and home-made presents - one boy even wrote a poem entitled Tank You English Teacher, which he read out to the class. My next class were down the road at the circus practising their trapeze and balancing skills in preparation for a performance at the end of the week so I popped down to say goodbye. Gotta say it was pretty impressive seeing 7 and 8 year olds hanging gracefully from the top of a circus tent!
The sweets I brought in went down a little too well - note to self: never try and hand out confectionary in a primary school playground. I've finally discovered the art of bribery, never has the classroom been so quiet than when I said they'd only get sweets if they behaved themselves.
Went for drinks with a couple of friends at what I've decided is definitely my favourite place in Avignon, 83 Vernet - an über chic (but not too pricey) bar/restaurant which makes hands down the best Mojitos I've ever had. The following day we went along to Ile de la Barthelasse to start working on our tans and take some final snaps of the famous Pont d'Avignon, and I later headed to tandem to say goodbye to the lovely group of Avignon locals I meet with every Wednesday.
Thursday was yet another super-cute day at my third school, who treated me like a princess with surprise parting gifts, cake and posters. So sad to be leaving all my students, especially my CM2s (10/11 year-olds) who gave me a big group hug and are always a good laugh.
There were more surprises in the evening, as Pauline had organised a leaving party for me with apéro at the flat before we headed onto Red Sky for one more soirée (we're such regulars now, the barman knows my order).
On Friday I went for tartines with the girls at Ginette & Marcel then met up with Ghislaine for Monacos - beer, lemonade and grenadine, we really need these in the UK - in Place Pie. Finally, it was time to say a final farewell to all the assistants over games of Picolo at Drew's house.
This morning I managed to squeeze in one more hike with the woman I teach in St Remy and afterwards she showed me a bit around her beautiful provencal village, Noves.
For my final meal in France, Pauline and I decided to be very French and had sushi together before she walked me to the station in the rain - note the sun had disappeared this afternoon, pathetic fallacy for you.
So here I am, typing away on the Eurostar probably somewhere near Paris right now and reminiscing year abroad memories with the lovely Sarah, another assistant who is on the same train.

Au revoir France, I'll be back before you know it.
Katie x
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